Carpe Diem
Hello to all and have a nice day.

Well i just decided to post this cause i see that some cute, cool, great, interesting, intriguing, nicely done and odd walls (at my own personal opinion) just don't make wide public exposure,either due to ratings or just because of late-posting. I hope i can keep this post running in the coming months,cause i feel some walls just worth it. Hope you like them and even leave some comments. Thnx.

So here goes...


- Tai Chi by bigbd1978 Link
- The Bridge by buzzh58 Link
- A New Beginning by Rabid.mongoose Link
- Realism Begins by LBtrw Link
- Lurking by elfenkate Link
- Timeglow by SwordfishZero Link
- the wall by sergionm Link
- Paradise by liquidvideopro Link
- Lakeside.jpg by Jaalma Link
- TekFlo by theinspired1 Link
- Bistek-Prime by homeryulo Link

Hope you like them and enjoy them.

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